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North Korea Flag

North Korea's National Flag: Symbolism and Meaning

National Colours and Significance

The colours red, white, and blue are considered national colours of North Korea, each carrying its own symbolic meaning. Red represents the Korean people's revolutionary struggle, while white stands for purity and peace. Blue symbolizes the people's confidence in a prosperous future.

Flag Design and Symbolism

The North Korean flag, known as the Ramhongsaek Konghwagukgi, was officially adopted in 1948. It consists of three horizontal bands: a wide red stripe in the centre, bordered by two thin white stripes and two blue stripes at the top and bottom. Off-centre towards the hoist is a white disk with a single red star.

The blue stripes represent national sovereignty and unity, while the white stripes symbolize peace and prosperity. The red stripe in the centre represents the Korean peninsula and the revolutionary struggle of its people. The white disk symbolizes the Korean people's tradition of self-reliance, while the red star represents the socialist revolution and the guiding light of the Workers' Party of Korea.
